Term: 10/2022 – 07/2023

2012 PhD Archaeological Computing. University of Southampton, UK, (CONACyT Fellowship).
2007 MSc Archaeological Computing (with distinction). University of Southampton, UK, (CONACyT Fellowship).
2005 BA Archaeology (Summa cum laude). Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México, (SEDESOL Fellowship).

Chair and Co-Director of Digital Humanities, History Department, Lancaster University.
Fellow of the Royal Historical Society

PUBLICATIONS: More than 54 publications in high impact journals, book chapters, and 3 edited books.

GRANTS: Total funding received up to date: £2,866,603.20 (FEC).


Executive Board Secretary of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations (ADHO); Chair of the Mexican national chapter, International Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology; Co-Chair of Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) Geohumanities SIG; Co-Chair of Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) Geohumanities SIG

Editorial Board Member Nature (Scientific Data); Review Editor: Frontiers in Digital Humanities.
Scientific Reviewer for research councils and journals

  • Councils: European Research Foundation; COST European Cooperation for Science and Technology; Austrian Science Fund; Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO, Dutch Research Council); AHRC; ESRC.
  • Journals: Nature, IEEE Transactions on Education; PLOS One; Journal of Archaeological Science; International Journal of Geographic Information Science; Journal of Spatial Science; International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing; Land Journal; Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica; Frontiers in Digital Archaeology; Frontiers in Digital Humanities; Journal PH Investigación, Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico; Complutum. Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Trabajos de Prehistoria; Digital Humanities Quarterly; Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology.

Mesoamerican Apocalypse: A large scale analysis of the Indigenous perspective on the sixteenth-century epidemics of Colonial Mexico

In a critical intervention to the historiography of disease and epidemics during the Conquest of Mexico, this project will use new developments in Artificial Intelligence to carry out a large-scale analysis of sixteenth-century Spanish and Indigenous American sources. This research will expand our knowledge beyond the three well-known, extensively researched epidemics in New Spain. It will further challenge the longstanding assumption that it was mainly the conquest wars by the Spanish and their Indigenous allies that changed the population landscape. Analysing a vast corpus of primary sources, it will go beyond traditional historical scholarship, investigating the geographic distribution of the multiple epidemics that occurred in the sixteenth century. Through this project, we will better comprehend how Indigenous communities recorded, talked about, and confronted these devastating events. It will also map the disease landscape according to a large collection of colonial sources. In doing so, we will investigate how these events were regarded, and how ideas connected to the Nahua religious understanding of the 'cyclical end of the world' changed during the colonial period and in light of these epidemics.

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